Catena Media Acquires PokerScout to Capitalize on US Online Gambling Expansion

A major European digital firm, Catena Media, recently acquired for $3.5 million. PokerScout is a prominent platform for data and evaluations of internet poker platforms.

This is significant because Pennsylvania recently enacted legislation permitting internet wagering, and Catena Media believes this is their entry point to a vast, untapped market of regulated online poker and casino offerings. They already possess numerous websites and assets in Pennsylvania, and they are poised to capitalize on this emerging prospect.

Pennsylvania recently became the fourth state to authorize internet gambling, and it’s a substantial one. It’s the first state to permit both private casinos and its state-run lottery to provide online games, indicating significant financial implications.

Catena Media’s chief executive is highly enthusiastic about this purchase, referring to PokerScout as “the premier online poker traffic comparison website.” They anticipate that other states will emulate Pennsylvania’s move and legalize internet gambling, creating even more avenues for their growth.

This occasion has been eagerly awaited – it marks a significant turning point as our vision reaches American consumers.

Written by

By Kennedy "Karma" Parsons

With a Master's degree in Algebraic Geometry and a Bachelor's in Sociology, this talented writer has a unique perspective on the abstract and social dimensions of gambling and their role in shaping the mathematical and cultural landscape of the casino industry. They have expertise in category theory, social network analysis, and cultural sociology, which they apply to the study of the structural and relational aspects of gambling systems and the development of strategies to promote social cohesion and cultural innovation in casino environments. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a socio-mathematical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to bridge the gap between the technical and social aspects of gambling.

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