Bulgaria Bans Gambling Promotions

The Bulgarian administration has voted to prohibit gambling promotions.

Bulgaria is on the verge of outlawing nearly all gambling promotions. The governing body voted overwhelmingly in favor of a legislative proposal that will introduce fresh rules and regulations.

The proposal aims to alter Bulgaria’s gambling legislation. It was presented last week. The proposal suggests prohibiting gambling promotions online, on television, radio, and in print publications. Advertisements on structures will also be forbidden.

The proposal was jointly submitted by GERB-UDF and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms.

The new regulations appear to be coming into effect shortly. At yesterday’s (April 30) second reading session, 198 representatives voted in favor of the proposal, with no abstentions or absences.

This approval signifies that the proposal will take effect three days after its publication in the State Gazette. It is still uncertain when this will occur.

What are the new rules in Bulgaria?

The proposal aims to modify Bulgaria’s gambling legislation. It incorporates various other changes to the country’s laws, with the new advertising regulations being the primary revision.

In addition to specifying where promotions cannot be displayed, the proposal also includes information on where advertisements are permitted to be displayed. Advertisements are only permitted on billboards that are more than 100 meters away from schools and on the buildings of gaming halls and casinos.

Nevertheless, this prohibition does not pertain to televised broadcasts of Bulgarian sports lottery drawings.

Commercials are required to incorporate responsible gambling details. The legislation stipulates that this information must constitute at least 10% of each advertisement and furnish consumers with pertinent data.

Operators who disregard the new regulations could be subject to financial penalties of up to 50,000 Bulgarian leva (£21,842 / €25,565 / $27,285). Repeat offenders could also have their licenses to operate in Bulgaria rescinded.

The Electronic Media Council will supervise the implementation of the rules. For any infractions, it will refer the matter to the Bulgarian National Revenue Agency (NRA).

Further Modifications to Gambling Legislation
Other provisions in the now-approved bill include increasing the capital required for companies to apply for slot machine licenses. This will rise from 500,000 Bulgarian leva to 750,000 Bulgarian leva.

The bill also specifies that slot machines and casino gambling will only be permitted in areas with a population exceeding 10,000. This excludes national resort zones and border regions. Earlier this month, the Romanian Parliament voted on a similar proposal.

Concurrently, licensees must now pay a “social responsibility fee,” set at 100,000 Bulgarian leva for online gambling. 50% of this will be allocated to the Ministry of Health to assist in treating and supporting gambling addicts.

Bulgarias Gambling Industry: A Growing Landscape

Among other modifications, a provision prevents individuals receiving social aid from withdrawing their names from the national self-exclusion gambling list.

Following the dissolution of the National Gambling Commission in 2020, the NRA assumed responsibility for regulating the country’s gambling sector.

Last August, the NRA established a specialized anti-money laundering division to enforce anti-money laundering regulations. This encompasses crucial aspects such as customer identification and transaction oversight.

Similarly, last year, the NRA directed operators to prohibit self-excluded employees from entering casinos or gambling establishments.

These recent measures represent a portion of the latest adjustments to Bulgarias gambling regulations.

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This talented writer and mathematician holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a Masters in Probability Theory. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of casino games, they have published numerous articles on game theory, probability, and combinatorics in relation to gambling. Their expertise in discrete mathematics and stochastic processes has made them a sought-after consultant for licensed casinos worldwide. Their articles, reviews, and news pieces provide valuable insights into the world of casino gaming.

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